About Us
The Old Greenwich Association is a local, volunteer-based residents association serving the Old Greenwich neighborhood of Greenwich, Connecticut. For over forty years, the OGA has worked behind the scenes on issues that positively affect our quality of life across all ages and interests. Our goal is to maintain, as well as find new ways of supporting, the special atmosphere that makes us proud to call Old Greenwich home.
The OGA was organized to perform the purposes and functions of a former association known as The Sound Beach Voters and Taxpayers Association, incorporated on December 18, 1931, and the charter was forfeited in 1954. A successor corporation, the Old Greenwich Voters and Taxpayers Association, Inc., was organized in 1967, and the charter was forfeited in 1971. This corporation’s certificate of incorporation was duly filed with the State of Connecticut on April 19, 1973 and the OGA is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3).
Greenwich Point Park
(Tod’s Point)
The purpose of the organization shall be to promote the welfare of taxpayers, voter and property owners of… that section of Town known as Old Greenwich.
The Old Greenwich Association By-laws, 1931